sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012



some snapshots of my life this past weeks.

Petit Gateau: Damn you're gooood.../
It has been one year since i own my baby, gifted by the most wonderful friends in the whole world; took it for a ride to a dinner with business man promoted by my college/
Pre-birthday dinner: YUM/
The above mentioned/
Semana de Queima. E está tudo dito/
Bracelet gifted by my best friend, IN LOVE/
Watched this legend at Casa da Música /
Pre-shoot. Let the bare legs season begiiin!!

2 comentários:

  1. So fotos giras!! Aquela francesinha, hummm

  2. Adorei as fotos!
    Muito falam nesta aplicação, talvez a instale para matar a curiosidade.

    Bom fim-de-semana.
    Kisses, Em**
